Pictures attached of Fleming 65 ‘Venture II’ when she was lifted yesterday…..

Waterline area only show a small line of growth which can be expected where the water is lapping….ultrasound does not work in air! From the Ultrasonic process, this growth is very soft and easily removed with a sponge.

Area where shaft exits the hull. The isolated bearing flange and shaft only show a small amount of growth, the close proximity of one transducer has provided a good benefit to these parts.

One of the stabalizers. The rigid attachment to the hull has allowed effective resonace of sound onto the stabalizer keeping it clear of growth. Only a little slime was there which was very soft and could be rubbed off easily with no effort.

The face of the depth transducer shows the growth that was available. The sealant around this transducer isolates it from the sound resonating throughout the hull.